MARIETTA NEUSS LONDON: 131 Curtain Rd, London, EC2A, United Kingdom
DECEMBER 04, 2008 - JANUARY 24, 2009
The current workspace from Ralph Ueltzhoeffer and Laura May contains new and old slides and videos about the web-art-project Textportrait, including "ANONYMITY" public installations (September-October 2008, Waterloo Rd, London.
Ralph Ueltzhoeffer, Germany, 1966 - His current works range from installation (web-art-project "Textportrait") to other medias like Photography and personal computers. It deals with the notion of value and architecture of information, biographical texts (Wikipedia) and photos in symbiosis for a textportrait. Black & white, and colour photography, concentrating on human aspects.
Laura May, United Kingdom, 1969 - Photographer and installation artist (web-art-project "Textportrait").Installations involving audio & cast acrylic scuptural pieces, combined with digital transparent media, photo based, archival media Includes installaton of light boxes plus audio involving.